Pictured Left to Right: Eric Brown, SMUD; Bob Bell, PG&E; Craig Kelly, PG&E; Darrell Gaudet, AltaLink; Jeff Disorda, Velco; Erin Creekmur, APS; Lewis Payne, NYPA; Derek Vannice, ROWSC Chair, CN Utility. Photo courtesy of Trees & Utilities.
(Mpls, MN) The Right-of-Way Stewardship Council (ROWSC) is pleased to recognize the accreditation of the following utilities as Right-of-Way Stewards:
- AltaLink
- Arizona Public Service (APS)
- Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)
- New York Power Authority (NYPA)
- Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
- Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
- Vermont Electric Company (VELCO)
Awards and recognitions were presented at the annual Trees & Utilities Conference in Cleveland, Ohio on September 10, 2019.
The ROWSC has established standards for preserving and maintaining transmission system rights‑of‑way. To meet the technical requirements, utilities must implement Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM), which balances the control of undesirable species with favoring desirable low‑growing shrubs and grasses that don’t obstruct transmission lines or utility access. By populating transmission corridors with desirable species, utilities can reduce the need to control those undesirable species and the associated impacts and costs.
Utilities must apply to the ROWSC to start the accreditation process. As part of the process, the ROWSC performs a field audit and assessment, comparing all aspects of a utility’s IVM program to the principles and criteria set forth in the latest standards.
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